, pub-2260011659819468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Animals World: Giant Squid Was Catched


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Giant Squid Was Catched

Researchers accidentally discovered a giant squid with long 5.9 meters caught in their nets off the coast of Louisiana, Gulf, Mexico. The findings of rare animals in these locations showed many things we do not know about the giant squid.
Squid was netted newly weighed 46.7 kg. He was captured on July 30, at a net trawls in a depth of 450 meters below the water that pulled the ship researchers. However, animals die because they can not adjust to changes in pressure at different water depths when brought to the surface.
"When it comes trawl nets from the water, I saw there was something big in it, very big," said Anthony Martinez, water mammal researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The researchers are examining the actual types of sperm whale food intended to preserve the squid they found and sent to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum for further investigation.

Giant squid are rarely found in one piece. Researchers usually only see the remnants of her body in the stomach as eat of sperm whales animal. These findings make it very valuable for researchers, this the animals study will completed the animals reference.

Giant squid can reach lengths of 12 meters and usually found in the deep ocean, as in the waters of Spain and New Zealand. Previously recorded only once, in 1954, a giant squid was found dead floating in the Mississippi Delta, is still at around the Gulf of Mexico.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting about this, I would love to read more about this topic.


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