Phalangers, family Phalangeridae, are a diverse group of arboreal Marsupial – mammals including the Cuscus and Koala whose name refers to the grasping ability of some of the finger and toe bones (phalangers), which enables the animals to climb tree. The phalangers are the most widely distributed of all marsupials, ranging from Australia and New Guinea to the Solomon Islands and parts of Indonesia. They have been introduced into New Zealand. Seventeen genera and about 42 species are known. Phalangers vary from 10 to 122 cm (4 to 48 in) in total length. Their mode of locomotion also varies greatly, from that of the slow moving koala to that of the gliding opossum. The fur is usually dense and woolly and is valuable in commerce. The tall is commonly long, though vestigial in the koala, and sometimes prehensile. Some genera have membranes fro gliding through the air. Most phalangers live in tree; a few inhabit plain areas.

The vulpine phalanger, or brush-tailed possum, is a small marsupial native to Australia. Highly adaptable, it lives in tress, caves, city parks and on the roots of houses.
Genus Phalanger
• Gebe Cuscus, Phalanger alexandrae
• Mountain Cuscus, Phalanger carmelitae
• Ground Cuscus, Phalanger gymnotis
• Eastern Common Cuscus, Phalanger intercastellanus
• Woodlark Cuscus, Phalanger lullulae
• Blue-eyed Cuscus, Phalanger matabiru
• Telefomin Cuscus, Phalanger matanim
• Southern Common Cuscus, Phalanger mimicus
• Northern Common Cuscus, Phalanger orientalis
• Ornate Cuscus, Phalanger ornatus
• Rothschild's Cuscus, Phalanger rothsschildi
• Silky Cuscus, Phalanger sericeus
• Stein's Cuscus, Phalanger vestitus
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